Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Fishmas!

Picture courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
Yesterday we went trout fishing with one of my long-time friends. No fish came home, although T-man did catch two small ones. My dear friend Scott decided to take a dip in the frigid waters of the Guadalupe River and filled his waders with cold water. Ariel waded across the river, supposing she would have a better chance. That was just fishful thinking. Me? I just kept wetting line and feeding fish. But we've decided to give it another try next week. Yep, we are definitely gluttons for punishment. But we had such a relaxing day, and you really can't beat that.
Copyright Theresa Buchle 2011
Christmas will be spent with grandbabies climbing all over me. Woo hoo! I cannot wait to see those boys. Of course, I cannot wait to see their mommy and their daddy either - that goes without saying. I hope your holidays will be filled with joy, love and peace.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Changes On The Horizon

Food for thought:

Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for changes. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Our destiny changes with our thought; we shall become what we wish to become, do what we wish to do, when our habitual thought corresponds with our desire. ~ Orison Swett Marden

We all have big changes in our lives that are more or less a second chance. ~ Harrison Ford

One changes from day to day, and... after a few years have passed one has completely altered. ~ George Sand

Time changes everything except something within us which is always surprised by change. ~ Thomas Hardy
Stay tuned, beadlings!


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Giveaway Alert!

I want to win the @vintajco & @beadaholique Crystal Copper Giveaway! #ilovevintaj

Oh yes, absolutely!

It Started With A Cup Of Coffee

I woke up in a very pensive mood this morning and seeing how it is the day after one of the most ritualistic on the calendar things just fell into place. We all have rituals, be they small or be they grandiose. I just started wondering about mine, yours and ours.

It started with a cup of coffee. Is it the coffee I enjoy so much or is it the ritual of the coffee? I don't really like the taste of coffee unless I mask it with lots of amaretto creamer but I really like the warmth as it goes down, even in summer. So what is it about my coffee in the morning? There is a lot of ritual involved with coffee: measure the water, measure the grounds, and don't forget about the little sniff when you open the can. Even the pushing of the button on the brewer is ritual. Then there is the pouring of just the right amount of creamy goodness into the special mug and, finally, watching the liquid change color as coffee and creamer meld. Hold the mug just so; take the first sip, and . . . . . ahhh! The ritual is complete. By the way, the mug in the photo is not the special mug. When that photo was taken the girls had not yet gifted me with the special mug.

We all have something each and every day that we do without fail and in steps that have become more than just habit. We may not be aware of it, but whatever it is has become a ritual. Our day is incomplete without it. In fact, our day may just fall apart without it and, as you know, I am a curious woman. What is your major ritual of the day?

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Stuff to Share

I'm wrapping another term so my days are filled with final papers. I haven't been feeling very creative for a while, but that doesn't mean I don't wholly appreciate the creativity of others so I found some things to share with you.

Lorelei Eurto has co-written a new book! You can pre-order at a discounted price. Check out her work - it's fascinating. I've been a fan of hers for a few years now.

My beady friend Carol Dean at Sand Fibers is having a give-away. Please read the directions to make sure you are entered correctly. Good luck! Hurry - registration ends tomorrow night!

Art Bead Scene wants earrings. You have until Thursday, so get a move on!

On another note, I joined Pintrest but I'm not sure what to do with it. Any suggestions? How do I make boards? What do I post? What is "re-pinning"? (sounds like you broke up with a frat boy and then go back together) I've honestly liked one thing and that is as far as I've gotten with it.

In parting, you know I'm studying nutrition. That is the reason I started posting foodie blog links. Here's one that should appeal to all of you J.R.R. Tolkein fans (Lord of the Rings for the rest of you). Check out the Middle-Earth Recipes.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Maybe Tomorrow

The sun will come out . . . . Actually sunshine is something we have an abundance of here.

I dislike posting that I have nothing to post but I really have nothing to post. Friday we took a lovely drive to LLano, where we also picked up home grown watermelon and Israeli melon. We'll be having the latter tonight and I can't wait. We came back via Hwy 71 and saw some of the damage from the Spicewood wildfire. The scope of that one was so great that I cannot even imagine the shock that seeing Bastrop would cause. My heart goes out to anyone who had to experience any of the fires we've had in the past month. The weekend was the weekend and yesterday was spent running errands. Note to self: no more grocery shopping on Monday morning lest ye be run over by employees restocking shelves. Sheesh. Yesterday was a wash and today is a heavy homework today. (Look, I'm posting before 8:00 a.m.!) I do have some new foodie blog links to share. So maybe I'll post tomorrow.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Love/Hate Relationships

Yesterday was filled with mundane stuff, notably a visit to my dentist. I love the man and yet hate him at the same time. Maybe it's the idea of what he does that I hate. Later a trip to the chiropractor to undo the tenseness brought on by the visit to the dentist. My chiropractor and I have a lot of things in common so it's always an interesting visit, plus he does a special treatment for fibromyalgia that actually leaves me feeling energized. It's purely a love relationship. This was followed by a trip to the grocery store to pick up lunch. I hate the grocery store, but lunch with T-man was great. And yes, that is my BIG love relationship. The evening ended with seminars (yes, I was there on the right night!). They were very interesting seminars this week, but sitting with the laptop in my lap, earbuds in my ears, typing quick sentences for two hours can just be horrendous. See? Love/hate relationships.

I can easily apply this to beadwork. For instance, I love the look and feel of right angle weave, but it is so very tedious. Love it, hate it. Knitting? I love the tranquility of it, but it's just too hot to knit. Okay, I realize that one is a stretch. So what about you? What's your artistic/creative love/hate relationship?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Did you know there aren't really any Tuesday sayings? You know what I mean. Wednesday is "hump day". We say TGIF and Sure Happy It's Thursday (I'll let you make the acronym there). We get the "Monday morning blues" but there is nothing for poor Tuesday. So I'll give you an artistic quote instead, one which can easily be applied to beading:
"Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that’s creative." ~~ Charles Mingus
Case in point: Sea Urchin:

It ain't no big thing. It's deceptive in both its simplicity and its complexity. I do wish it still fit. I hate the thought of remaking it. It was one of the very first pieces I made back when I first started selling beads in 1997. Ariel was still napping most of the day and I would stitch while she slept.

What is your favorite simply complex piece? I have several pictures in my head of pieces created by beady friends, but I would like to know your favorite today. Anyone??

Monday, September 19, 2011

Etsy Love And Chocolate Pudding

There is still beadiness running around in my noggin and I love when someone prods it. What is there to say when one of your idols promotes your work? I have loved Sharri Moroshok's work since shortly after I started selling beads 14 years ago (when we were both around 10). Now I love size 15o seed beads but Sharri is insane! She included my Coral Reef Bracelet in a treasury over the weekend. Here's a link to her Etsy store. Thank you, Sharri! It's a gorgeous treasury and I'm proud to be part of it.

It rained! Oh my stars, it rained for more than 10 minutes! It rained so much one of the windows leaked and I did not even mind one little bit! (I am a bit excited about the rain.)

Christine at Live Passionately has some words of wisdom regarding "victimitis". Words can be so powerful. Sometimes we forget.

Finally, for your noshing pleasure, I present Homemade Chocolate Pudding from Life Blessons. Oh my goodness. How yummy does this sound? T-man is already asking for it (the pudding, you understand). And since it is Monday, I must finish this week's homework. I am off! Have a great day!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Duh . . . .

School is broken into 10 week "terms". Basically a term is equal to a semester were I attending a brick and mortar school. So, last term my two online seminars were on Thursday night. This term, they are both on Wednesday night. Guess who was channeling her last term self this week? Yep. Duh. Penalty? I have to write an additional 200 word paper for the class in which seminar attendance equals a grade. Fortunately the other class has optional seminar attendance which means no additional paper when I miss a session. *whew*

Yesterday I gave you Fashion Trendsetter's fall color forecast. Today I offer Pantone's fall color forecast. I must admit to liking the Pantone colors more.

I really wish I had more hours in the day.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hello Again

I know, I know - what fun is a blog that is never updated? Shame on me. I would love to tell you that the reason I've been away is that I've just been inundated with ideas. Alas, that is not so. I've been inundated with school. This term is writing heavy. And yes, my life is a roller coaster.

I have some ideas for some almost daily fun for you. I'll start scouting the give aways and contests again. There will be some yummy recipes and, as always, beautiful pages to inspire you. Let's start with this one: the color forecast for fall.

To make up for my lack of diligence, I have updated the web sites and blog lists to read. I've also added foodie blogs. I'm doing away with my other blog. That means that now you'll get school stuff and food stuff along with art stuff. Hey, what better way to create than with something for noshing on the work table? Just don't get the art sticky.

Let's start over with a question for the day: What have you been doing while I was away?

Monday, July 4, 2011

Etsy Love On Independence Day

Many thanks to coffeecraze217 for including my Coral Reef bracelet in her Etsy treasury. You'll find her shop here.

This color combo rocks, doesn't it? We call this combination "complimentary", which places them exactly opposite each other on the wheel. They compliment each other simply because they contrast so highly with each other, making the pretty much opposites.

I hope you are having a great holiday! Did you get any beading done? *sigh* Lucky you!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Stupid Little Motorcar

Ugh. Sometimes life just gets in the way. There honestly is stuff on the horizon, the problem is that life just keeps stepping in the way of the little motorcar called THINGS I NEED TO GET DONE. I'm sure you all have a clone of that little motorcar and I'm sure life often steps right in front of that little car, but if you don't have anti-lock brakes on your little motorcar you're going to skid right into life and then everything goes to hell in a hand basket and that's what happened.

As soon as the stupid little motorcar is out of the little motorcar repair shop and I can back to THINGS I NEED TO GET DONE, I'll be back blogging, good as new. Okay, maybe not like new but with new stories.

Friday, May 6, 2011

My Plate Is Full . . .

My cup runneth over! I've got quite a bit going on right now, the least of which is the fast approaching LAST DAY OF SCHOOL for a certain daughter. I realize that it's been a while since I've posted  :{ and I do apologize for that. I've finally got a handle on doing bead biz stuff and doing homework, but I'll discuss homework over at Nonnie Goes to School. So in trying to get back into the swing of normalcy, on Monday I will get back into finding you lovely beady giveaways from my cyber beading buddies, fashionista goodies, AND great recipe and cooking blogs. It's very exciting, at least for me. I'm hoping it will be for you, too. After all, these are the reasons I started blogging in the first place.

I have been flying, a lot if you count cancelled flights. I had an impromptu stay in Newark, New Jersey. I'd rather not fly through there again (no offense to any Newarkians) as it is a very confusing airport and homeless men offering to "get wit me" at 2:00 a.m. was just less than appealing. Maine was lovely and I have pictures to show you next week. I visited my grandsons for Easter and have more pictures of them. They have grown so much! And we have finally painted the walls of my studio/office! The floor gets painted next week and then I have the job of moving all the beads (and other artistic goodies) into that room. I'll just have to organize as I go!

In the meantime, if you are in Austin on June 15, I will be participating in "Merchandise Day" for the EGA's South Central Region seminar. You can find more information on the seminar website. Merchandise Day is usually open to the public and you'll find LOTS of great stitching supplies. I will have some new kits and new patterns available.

In October I'll be teaching and selling in Houston and will provide more details on that soon. And I'm going back to plenty of teaching proposals being sent out in hopes of traveling far and wide, even if I do hate flying.

So, plate and cup are very full but I think I can handle it all. Stay tuned!

Monday, March 21, 2011

More Etsy Love And Other Things

Many thanks to Blue Heron Quilts for including my Coral Reef Bracelet in her elegant treasury. It is always such an honor for me to be recognized by fellow Etsians.

Check out some new photos for an older listing:

My niece was gracious enough to do some modeling for me. She's very photogenic and she brings my pieces to life. You'll be seeing more of her in the future.

Life here are pretty much the same, other than I've got so much on my plate that things are beginning to drip off the side. Hop over to Nonnie Goes to School for more updates.

I have been remiss where you are concerned, beadlings. I'm still working on getting back into the groove. I'm starting to understand why the Victorians spent a year grieving the loss of a loved one. It has taken me just about that long to get things back to where they were. I'll be on the lookout for groovy give-aways, beady news, gorgeous blogs and nifty artistic things. Just stick with me. Oh -- and keep on beading on!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Going To Maine!

I'm going to Maine in April! My class for the EGA New England Region's seminar has made. I'm so excited. I get to go to Portland, Maine. I get to meet wonderful people. I have to get on multiple airplanes, but that's okay. I don't get to have Maine lobster, but that's okay. Do you know what is in Portland, Maine besides the wonderful members of the EGA? Why, Caravan Beads is in Portland, Maine beadlings, and I have already been promised a field trip! Thank you, Marjie!

And in studio news, it's almost usable. I got the new desk, the ergonomic chair, the lovely rug for keeping my toes warm. I've picked out the color for the epoxy flooring, the walls and the trim. We'll pull up the carpet this week and put the desk in (fortunately it disassembles easily and reassembles just as easily). We'll need to wait until it's just a bit warmer to put down the new floor and then the paint. It is going to be great, especially once I get all the shelves and all the beads in. Pale yellow walls with fresh white trim and lots of turquoise accents. Yep, it will definitely be MY room!

Monday, January 17, 2011

New Look

Okay, so you've had time to check out the new look for the blog, but did you check out the new look for the web site? Please, feel free, and if something doesn't work right just shoot me an email to let me know. I'm trying to catch up on what I used to post for you (it feels like years have passed). My plan is to have new blogs and sites for you to check out and to get into posting giveaways for you. And remember, it's always nice to hear from you. Have you found a great bead/art site that you would like to share? Let me know. In the meantime, keep on beading on.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Blog

No, not this one. This one just had a makeover.

Silly me! Ha Ha Ha! I started another blog. I wanted to keep the school stuff separate from the beading and family stuff, so I needed another journal. And it will be for school and all the exploits of a middle-aged grandmother in school (I just love that my age bracket is now "middle-aged"). I'll find some other blogs and links for you to enjoy. I think that if I am able to journal my exploits, it might make things easier for me.

On the creativity front, I've got some new ideas. I've just got to find my groove somewhere in between the reading and seminars. It's almost there. I'm making over the "studio" in February. I've got flooring and paint colors chosen. I've got a new desk/work table picked out and a nice ergonomic chair. T-man is making shelves for the beads & supplies. It should be very conducive to work and school.

On the family front, T-man is almost finished with his Associate's Degree. Yay! Ariel has been publishing stories. I'll see if she'll let me link to some of them (and she's ready for her blog). Natalie and her brood are fine down on the coast. I miss them terribly. Everything is copacetic!

So, creative question of the day: What is your go-to color? I bet y'all already know mine is olive green, with a bit of purple. Okay, that's two. But the green is the base. So what is your go-to color for the anchor of your palette? Inquiring minds want to know!

Friday, January 7, 2011

School Daze

This is a BIG adjustment. Keep in mind that it has been over 30 years since I've been in school. Okay, there were a few training classes and beadwork classes scattered here and there through those 30 years, but still --it's been a very long time.

The first night (Wednesday), I panicked. We have online seminars. I had done a walk through seminar to teach us how to do the seminars, but I could not for the life of me remember what to do. So I get into the seminar a little late. Duh. Now I'm stressed and forget that we get graded on how much we participate! Oh crap! I need to start typing!! Fortunately, the prof cut us some slack because she realized we did not have access to our ebook until that morning and there was no way we could read the entire assignment. I had read part of the assignment, so I was able to answer a few questions. I finished the reading (Assessment of Nutrition) and now have to formulate my 150+ response to the questions. And I have to do the same thing for my Humanities class. Both of these are due tomorrow, with follow ups by Tuesday. Crap, crap, crap, crapola!!

I have also found that the arm chair in the living room is not the best place for my schoolwork. I have an Ikea wish list, with a new desk and chair. Redoing the floor and painting my studio aren't scheduled until February. Call me crazy, but I hate the idea of putting the desk together, putting the chair together, getting them situated then having to take them out of the room, waiting for things to dry, then putting them back in the room. I prefer to do it just once. I guess that's why I hate moving. I might have to get over it, though.
I'm hoping that in a few weeks things get a little easier, start running a little more smoothly, and I have a few more hours for me, for my art, for my family. I need to take some photos and get some things sold! I need to design some new goodies. There are things that need to be knitted and stitched. I even need to finish a painting. Things are stagnating! Replication would be the answer. Anyone? Replicator sitting in your garage, just waiting to be used? Please? With sugar on top?