Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Did you know there aren't really any Tuesday sayings? You know what I mean. Wednesday is "hump day". We say TGIF and Sure Happy It's Thursday (I'll let you make the acronym there). We get the "Monday morning blues" but there is nothing for poor Tuesday. So I'll give you an artistic quote instead, one which can easily be applied to beading:
"Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that’s creative." ~~ Charles Mingus
Case in point: Sea Urchin:

It ain't no big thing. It's deceptive in both its simplicity and its complexity. I do wish it still fit. I hate the thought of remaking it. It was one of the very first pieces I made back when I first started selling beads in 1997. Ariel was still napping most of the day and I would stitch while she slept.

What is your favorite simply complex piece? I have several pictures in my head of pieces created by beady friends, but I would like to know your favorite today. Anyone??


Carol B said...

I love that one!

Bead-Mused said...

Thanks! I think you've even seen it in person.