Friday, January 21, 2011

Going To Maine!

I'm going to Maine in April! My class for the EGA New England Region's seminar has made. I'm so excited. I get to go to Portland, Maine. I get to meet wonderful people. I have to get on multiple airplanes, but that's okay. I don't get to have Maine lobster, but that's okay. Do you know what is in Portland, Maine besides the wonderful members of the EGA? Why, Caravan Beads is in Portland, Maine beadlings, and I have already been promised a field trip! Thank you, Marjie!

And in studio news, it's almost usable. I got the new desk, the ergonomic chair, the lovely rug for keeping my toes warm. I've picked out the color for the epoxy flooring, the walls and the trim. We'll pull up the carpet this week and put the desk in (fortunately it disassembles easily and reassembles just as easily). We'll need to wait until it's just a bit warmer to put down the new floor and then the paint. It is going to be great, especially once I get all the shelves and all the beads in. Pale yellow walls with fresh white trim and lots of turquoise accents. Yep, it will definitely be MY room!


Carol B said...

Have a wonderful trip and congrats on the studio progress!

Bead-Mused said...

Thanks, Carol. Hey, email your phone number please!

Carol Dean Sharpe said...

Congrats on your Maine Adventure :) That said, I'm going to have to rely on FB to get your updates because this font, while pretty, is really hard for me to read on my screen (which is large, so size doesn't seem to be the issue).

Bead-Mused said...

Thanks, Carol Dean! And just so you know, this is the kind of feedback I need. I'll be changing the font soon.