Monday, January 7, 2008

Almost Human (Finally!)

Well, I must say that I am feeling much better now. Then again, even the slightest bit better would feel momentous after last week. I hope with everything I have that none of you gentle readers come down with the flu EVER! I don't think anyone enjoys that "hit by a truck" feeling, but it would have been preferable to what I felt last week. So, now that I'm back to being able to move around, I realize that everything in my life is running about 10 days behind! The tree hasn't even come down yet! I must spend a couple of days trying to get back on schedule. I'm hoping that I can keep moving for most of today. I tried yesterday and pretty much collapsed around 3:00 and ended up taking a nap. I don't even like naps! Sheesh! And yes, I get pretty whiny when I am sick. It's a good thing that doesn't happen often -- T-man would probably start living in his workshop if it did.

DanceIn these first couple of weeks of the new year, I'm finding a lot of "resolutions" and "life-style change lists" amongst the blogging beaders on the world wide web. It's interesting to me that several people put "organizing my paperwork" and "organizing my workspace" right up there on top. It's nice to know that there are others like me -- unorganized, creative folks who just want to make stuff. Don't you just hate it when real life intrudes?? So, what are your beady/artsy/creativity inspired goals for 2008? Please don't be shy. Share with us. Come on. You know you want to.


Anonymous said...

Well, you can laugh now. I think it's my turn now. Not the flu, but a cold to accompany my never ending sinus infection. Glad you feel better.

Anonymous said...

I turn 56 next month, which ends one seven-year cycle and begins another, so I plan to be selfish this year and focus on my creativity instead of stitching stuff for others. I have ideas I haven't developed because I keep myself distracted making things for others. I get caught up thinking that just because I make things, I have to give self-made stuff to everyone. This year, they can get stuff I buy instead so I can bring some of my dreams to reality.

Bead-Mused said...

Carol, it's okay to make things for you. I understand exactly what you are talking about, believe me! When you make something, send a pic and I'll put it on the blog.

Anonymous said...

To finally sort through the bookcase full of old catalogs and pricelists, and get them recycled.
To use my workspace for what it was intended.
To learn to use my torch and start soldering.
To learn to use my glass kiln.
To learn to lampwork.


Bead-Mused said...

You go, girl! When you learn how to solder, will you teach me? Yes, it's true, I don't know how, at least I don't know how to do so neatly!
