Friday, August 7, 2009


Short blog for you today. Pam sent me an email reminding me that I had not updated! I do apologize. All is well with the clan. Natalie is home on bed rest after a short hospital stay. Both babies are fine with good strong heart beats and they have started kicking. Her due date is still Christmas day, but Thanksgiving babies may be more of a reality.

I'm still trying to come up with a giveaway to celebrate my own win. I cannot wait to see my new earrings in person.

Today means more doctor's visits. Surgery is just five days away. I've got lots of strengthening do to between now and then. Ugh -- I hate that part of all of this, but I'm burning those calories! Have a great weekend.


Carol Dean Sharpe said...

Oh goodness. Only 5 days. How did the time fly so quickly? *hugs* and an entire banquet set of spoons!

Bead-Mused said...

Time is on the super sonic here! FIVE days -- Wednesday morning, to be exact. ACK! You can send the spoons as long as you are not taking any from your personal supply!

ps -- I'm looking forward to the end of the year when my knees won't hurt so bad and babies are here.

Carol B said...

The post-surgery time will fly! It will be New Year's Day with new babies before you know it. ;)

Bead-Mused said...

I have no doubt, Carol.