Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Something I Cannot Bead

Be kind to your knees. You'll miss them when they're gone. Mary Schmich

Here's something I cannot bead -- new knees. Nope, can't make new ones, at least not new ones that will work correctly. Then again, they would probably work better than what I have.

I had an episode yesterday. One minute my "good" knee worked just fine, the next minute I was screaming, crumpling and crying in agony because it refused to bend or to straighten out completely. What? You ask "what is the problem?" No more lateral meniscus in the "bad" knee (I knew that, but it's gotten worse) and I'm losing the lateral meniscus in the "good" knee. What? "What causes this?" No one knows what causes it, but the doctor suggested having chosen poorly in the grandparent/parent area (things tend to be hereditary) and having the audacity to age. What? "How do they fix it?" Oh, they fix it with the "S" word. You know, that word I don't like and don't really want to mention until something is definitely decided.

So today I'm going to practice a bit of denial and make something instead of researching the procedures used to replace bits of my bone with titanium. Just call me the Six Thousand Dollar Woman. *sigh* I'll look things up tomorrow, make a few phone calls and then make a decision. Fortunately, I have a job that I can take with me to hospitals, waiting rooms, etc. And the doctor swears I should be good as new in time for the grandbabies' arrival. I better be!

Here's your question of the week: Some of you know my "beading on Vicodin" story while recovering from the first knee surgery, lo those many years ago (ooooh, pretty colors!). How many of you have beaded/created while being laid up for some necessary thing that laid you up?


Shelley said...

I once had a customer make a bracelet out of her mother's titanium knee part. Her mom was having a replacement for the second time so the first one became jewelry!!

Bead-Mused said...

Oh Shelley, I'll never be that customer, I promise. And I promise my daughters won't be, either!

Carol Dean Sharpe said...

Bead crochet seems like it would be good for those times when you're laid escaping beads to worry about. *hugs* sweet lady!

Bead-Mused said...

You know, that is something I never got attached to. Weird, huh? I've got plenty of lap trays to corral those rascally beads. I may even do some needlework.

Hey wait!! I haven't decided on that, well you know, "S" word yet!

Christina J. said...

I had a big surgery two years ago and while I was recovering I completed a Laura McCabe kit. Then I had complications and had to have a hernia surgery. While recovering from that, I did a Rachel Nelson-Smith kit. I completely understand your avoidance of the "S" word.

Bead-Mused said...

Christina, I had just a small chocolate cyst several years ago and know how much pain you must have been in before your surgery. And I totally understand the complications part. I am so sorry you had to go through all that, but I'm so glad you're better now.

Oh my gosh! You sure chose doozies for your recovery projects!! But they turned out beautifully!!

Waterrose said...

Ouch. My knees are also growing old and I'm in complete denial. Almost 20 years ago I had to have surgery on the vertebrae in my neck...with a sci-fi looking head and neck brace for 3 months afterwards. To keep from going crazy I pieced a quilt with squares that were 1x1". On a normal basis I would never do that...but I had plenty of time on my hands!

Bead-Mused said...

I was in denial a long time regarding the "bad" knee. Finding out that the "good" knee was just as bad was a big shock. Don't wait too long.

1x1"??? Sweetie, those must have been some good drugs! I bet you did not even notice the masochism! LOL! Fortunately the recovery time for the knee is very short, or I would go stark raving mad!

Onye said...

I made this totally doped on Vicodin (recovering from a double root canal).

Then I started this one.

It was a good week for my beads, not so good for my teeth!

Bead-Mused said...

Onye, did you realize that both links go to the same photo or was that part of the "beading on Vicodin"??

Yep, pain killers and beading is not a bad combo. Makes for really pretty color combos!

Onye said...

Sorry! Yes it was supposed to answer the 'Beading on Vicodin' question.The second link was to be this neckpiece.

Bead-Mused said...

LOL!! I thought having two of the same WAS the answer!

Damn girl, either way you do a fab job!

Onye said...

LOL! Thank you Theresa!!