Monday, June 29, 2009


I'm just going to change "Monday" to "Erday". This week on Erday, I'm driving into Austin to take my dear friend Mrs. B to the doctor for a check-up. She broke her wrist last month and can't drive. Her own children live four hours in either direction, so it's no bother for me to drive in and play chauffeur and help her with a few things she can't do for herself right now. I get rewarded with plants, trees and lily bulbs plus a beautiful friendship. She knew a lot of the same people that my grandparents and my mother knew, having spent most of her life out around the lake. It's amazing sometimes how small the world really is. She actually went to school with my mother's second cousin! She tells me stories about the lake when it was still young and clean, her late husband, her children (whom I feel I know) and her grandchildren.

I'm basking in the glory of my clean house, especially the living room and am hesitant to bring anything into it. This sucks, because right now the living room is the only place I have to work! Ack! Quandary alert!!

When I get home this evening, I'll try to grab the computer again and add some new links for you. I've found some very pretty, very arty sites with lots of info and eye candy.

I'm off for now. Bead on!