Saturday, June 20, 2009

Bitchy, Vindictive Me Who Does Not Want To Play Nice

Fields of Gold ©2006 Theresa BuchleWould you like VERY INEXPENSIVE instructions to this bracelet with color keys for the peacock/gold, blue and purple variations? Yes, I said ROCK BOTTOM CHEAP.

Now, I don't happen to have a picture of the purple variation, but trust me when I tell you that it was eye-catching. This bracelet is full of physical and visual texture. You will learn square stitch, basic fringing and color shading with my easy to follow instructions.

Wild Blue ©2006 Theresa Buchle
It seems that a local bead store has started teaching my bracelet (by the way, it's the only one around here that teaches seed bead techniques). I'm sure that the teacher thought that if she (1) made it a bit more narrow, (2) changed the colors and/or (3) added a fourth color plus (4) changed the clasp that it would be okay, because, hey, she changed 10% of the original. What a crock! In case you have not learned by now, that is a total myth. It does not matter how much you change, unless you have permission from the creator of the work (and this means the written instructions or the finished piece), it's a violation of FEDERAL LAW. AND this store apparently has no qualms about teaching the work of others without permission. This is something I made sure never happened in my store. If a teacher didn't own the copyright or have permission from the owner (and yes, I asked to see WRITTEN permission), it wasn't taught in my store.

So now you can have, for A MERE $5.00, my copyrighted instructions. You get clear, easy-to-read instructions with full color graphics plus a large easy-to-read graph for color shading of THREE or FOUR colors (yes, these are the original instructions). In addition, you will receive exact purchasing info for the Toho beads used in this beautiful creation. That means you get the color numbers and the amount you will need of each color. I always receive compliments when I wear this bracelet. It is as much fun to make as it is to wear. $5.00 means no teacher fees, which is a substantial savings to you. In fact, it is a savings of $30.00 plus whatever gas you need to get there. Want more information or want to buy the pattern (downloadable PDF or I'll mail hard copies to you), contact me via email at theresa AT tbuchle DOT com. This is not a limited-time offer. It is offered until they stop teaching my bracelet and probably a little longer afterward.


Judibeads said...

I'm sorry that they are doing this to you!

Bead-Mused said...

Thanks! I hate that I'm not the only person they have done it to, and I'm pretty sure I won't be the last.

LorraineS said...

Carol, no you wont' be last, it has happen to a lot of has happen to me a long time ago before and do not put anything I do design in public ...I even had my blog copyrighted and paid for wasn't cheap either..but you have to up date it every year for the same price so I just do not put anything that others might copy..anymore anyway..
Carol, can you threaten them with a lawyer, even she has changed it and you have proof, it is yours...seems like there is something that can be done you own town to beat...I love the offer but do not take advantage of your situation..thank you anyway, hugs, Lorraine

Bead-Mused said...

Thanks Lorraine -- the moral support is just as important here. Threatening with an attorney does no good as the store owner has deep pockets and doesn't really care. What I'm doing makes much more of a statement, don't you think? Especially since the internet makes the beading community teeny-tiny.


Melody Marie Murray said...

Oh, suck! I am so sorry this is happening to you. The moral high ground is yours, but I wish you didn't have to stand on it for this reason.

Bead-Mused said...

Thank, Melody!

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Christina (Good Quill Hunting) had this same problem last year with her Ice Bracelet. The teacher did not own the store, so she had leverage on the store owner. Hope you figure out what to do about it.

I am amateur, but if I see an item, I buy the pattern, even though I know I could make it because I want to be able to show it off AND if you took the time to design it you deserve the $$ and acknowledgement.

Amber Leilani said...

people never cease to amaze me.

i am really sorry this is happening to you.

every time i read of this type of theft it makes me sick to my stomach.

i know for a fact that some of my own designs have been "altered", reproduced, and passed off as the "artist's" - and i use that word lightly - own design. i have never done anything about it, so i am glad you are making your stand and sticking it to this bead shop via your website!!

keep us updated.

Bead-Mused said...

Amber, I'm not sure how much I'll be sticking it to him but I appreciate the support and I'm sure gonna give it a try!

Bead-Mused said...

Carol there are so many people out there who feel entitled to what they see. It's sad. I'm pretty sure I know how this happened, which saddens me more. So it comes down to this: keep designing, keep teaching, but don't let anyone walk all over me, even if it is in a small way. Thank you for supporting me!

Carol Dean Sharpe said...

Theresa, I just realized that I had not commented here. We've emailed and FB'd about this. I am so sorry you're having to go through this. Being a victim of copyright violation SUCKS :( *hugs*, my friend!

This situation disturbs me on several levels.

- the "teacher" who thinks it's okay to take your pattern/design and "tweak" it a little to make it "her own"

- the store owner who has a history of knowingly ignoring designers' copyrights

- the "10% Myth" that does so much damage to artistic integrity

Copyright violations that consist of someone taking a design from a photograph, deducing the pattern, and beading it up for her own adornment are one thing (and that is a violation, in case there are amateur beaders reading this and think I condone this "lesser" offense!)...but actually presenting someone else's work as your own and then PROFITING from it...that's ILLEGAL, UNETHICAL, OUTRAGEOUS. It's THEFT and it's FRAUD!

Bead-Mused said...

Carol Dean, you have done so much for me on this that you have no need to be sorry for not commenting! lol -- silly beader!

As I said, that sense of entitlement.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your moral outrage and support.

Anonymous said...

Copyright infringement has grown into such a big problem with the internet! A 'cease and desist' letter worked for me when someone decided to use one of my photographs (from my photo web site) as wallpaper, without permission, of course.

Good luck!

Bead-Mused said...

Thank you! I just had a great suggestion from a friend who has been through this with the same store. I'll keep you all updated with what happens (the instructions/patter will remain $5 from me though -- I won't back down from that).

Summer said...

Aw, I'm sorry this happened! What is it with people? You'd think that they'd know better - it's not as if your design isn't distinctive! Good luck in whatever form of action you decide to take. :)

Bead-Mused said...

Thanks, Summer. Realizing that people feel they are entitled to things is a first step in understanding the how, but never the why. And if the tables were turned on them, what I am doing would be mere squeaks to what they would doing!

WickedOakDesigns said...

Wow what a crock!!!! I hope you get tons of sales from you blog post.

GrandmaMarilyn said...

Theresa, I am so sorry to hear that this has happened to you. I hope you are able to do something about it. People have gotten that I don't care attitude so bad lately.

Bead-Mused said...

Thanks! The moral support is just as important, though.

Bead-Mused said...

Thanks Marilyn -- the beady support is making me feel a lot better.

Onye said...

That is always sad and appalling that people can't dig deep enough into their own creativity to create and teach their own work (or their simply too lazy too do the work of creating a pattern and doing some light research). The reason this bugs me the most is that it discredits the world and hard work of bead artists everywhere that are trying to make a living off of their art. It also makes us look bad, when we have to even deal with the negativity of stolen/pirated designs. I don't believe in the 10% rule either. If you have to take someone else's design and change it in order to say you "created" it, you shouldn't call yourself an artist. HUGS to you for being so calm (or as calm as you can manage to be).

Anna said...

I'm so sorry you're going through this! People who blatantly steal work from other artists just makes me sick! I just have to keep thinking Karma will get them in the end!

Just Beady Jules said...

I can feel your pain all the way over here in San Antonio. I hate it when a total stranger tells me "Oh I love your bracelet, how did you do that, how did you make it." Then they study it and proceed to grill me. I tell them "I took a class from Theresa." Oh can I have the instructions. Double CRAPOLA, and how DARE them. You know from experience I don't finish a lot of projects, but when I do I wear it proudly and I'll be DAMNED if I'm gonna give them the instructions!

I think you should advertise the class and teach it right out from under them.

BTW, I told a few friends of mine about this injustice and I picked up four orders for instructions for you. Email me at the office and I'll get the details from you. Love you! Hang in there! Julie

judith27k said...

It's PISSING, unfortunately I had the same experience with one of my bracelets in a big netted store here in Israel.
I know exactly how you feel, they even didn't bother to change anything....


planettreasures said...

that is just so wrong.
I hope you have success fighting this copycat and can protect your beautiful work.

Miriam Shimon said...

Only too familiar a story, I'm afraid....I had a student walk into the store while I was teaching and telling me that she didn't want to sign up for anything I'm teaching because she already learned all of them from the internet...."thanks" to those who have taken my patterns and decided to teach them or share them as their own...:( I don't know how to fight that, and doubt it is even possible, despite the fact that we are in the right!!!
xx HUGS!

Bead-Mused said...

Thank you, Onye!♥

Bead-Mused said...

Jules, you're the best and I love you. I was advertising the class and sending it off as proposals, but now it has become a symbol. I'll just keep selling the instructions with the reason why included.

Email coming!

Bead-Mused said...

Judith, I am so sorry. Dealing with folks like this is the rock bottom pits. We just have to support each other!

Bead-Mused said...

Planettreasures, thank you so much!

Bead-Mused said...

Cieilo, that is the good, bad and ugly of the internet. The good part is that we have the resources to support each other and to let our customers/students know what we do and that we are the ONLY people with permission to teach these things. Unfortunately, the bad internet makes for excellent copying. The ugly? Those impostors NEVER make their piece look as good as our original!

Anonymous said...

Teresa I am ever so sorry for the treatment you have received over this and I am appalled at the nerve of the store owner for allowing this to happen , the store should be boycotted!! It makes me so very mad I am not a well -known artist but I know alot of them that this has happened to and artist are the most generous and warm-hearted people and I truly respect you, one and all for the beautiful work you all do and hope to aspire to the artistic greatness you so inspire in me and I THANK YOU ! from my heart I hope you can legally do something about this Many Prayer's and Hug's yuur way! Stand Strong !

Bead-Mused said...

Thank you so much. Your words are very kind. I cannot afford to do anything legally other than offer what is mine to world at a HUGE discount (I sound like a car salesman).